Sunday 19 April 2015

Evaluation: question 4

Evaluation: question 3

Evaluation: question 2

I curated a survey and sent it out to a few people along with a link to the video to also get their take on how they felt about it.

Overall, the feedback was positive and I was pleased with the compliments received. Below you can see some examples of the answered surveys.

Evaluation: question 1

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Double page spread analysis:

For my double page spread, I decided to be a little more conventional but still take inspiration from quite an unconventional Film Magazine, Little White Lies (seen below).

I still followed the rule of three making sure everything lined up and fit into three columns - I wanted to follow this convention because, ultimately it made my double page spread look professional and tidy, which is what I wanted. The unconventional aspects come in where I've used the vertical image and allowed it to take the centre column - I did this to imply that India (main character) was a part of these words and fully incorporated throughout the creative process.The horizontal image was taken before I even had a look at Little White Lies so when I realised I had a suitable image for this article I wanted to use it - also the photo was taken in an unconventional way as India's face is barely seen and although it seems like viewers should be more intrigued by what she's looking at over her shoulder, the real task was to allow your eyes to be drawn toward India and why she was looking over her shoulder - to further understand her persona presented in the film.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Camera test shots

Flim poster analysis

You can see below my previous movie poster which I spoke about in my video, and the alternative idea I didn't go with. As you can see, both are not as aesthetically pleasing as they should be and you can see that the small font size makes it really hard to read 'pixelpoiiz'.

Friday 16 January 2015

Film poster fonts

To tightly connect my film poster with the film itself, I know I wanted to use an analog-looking text. I started off by visiting which has a large variety of brilliant font types. I looked under the 'analog' section and found a couple I was quite fond of - but, before I did this I browsed various fonts and tried them in replacement of the analog fonts but found the analog ones were more suited to the theme.
The fonts that were in the running-up to the one I finally decided to go for can be seen below:
I chose not to go with 'XTREEM FAT' simply based on the fact that the lower case font was far too hard to read when the text was made smaller and I didn't like the way it sat in the position of the poster no matter how many times I moved it around.
'KG Ways To Say Goodbye' was initially my favourite but I found it quite bland on the poster and it really didn't have the effect I thought it would. I was looking for a more 'full bodied' text and its settings wouldn't allow me to make the font any bolder.
04b_03 seemed to have the potential of my chosen analog font as its heavily pixelated and would go well with the pixel effect I used on my image but it was far too bold and dominated the page heavily which isn't what I wanted or felt fit the mood of my poster.
FINALLY, I found what I was looking for!

'Pixelpoiiz' was by far the best analog font I found after scrolling mercilessly though hundreds of other analog fonts. The font puts love hearts in replacement of semi colons and on certain letters which really gives it a girly edge. As the song I'm making the poster for is made for predominantly female listeners I thought this would draw in girls and make them want to watch the video. I also asked the main character and this is the one she prefered and said it looked 'kawaaii' which is one of the adjectives she would describe her music as. This made it easier to use the font and it complemented the main image.

Film poster design ideas

In regards to the poster for my film, I have chosen to use one of two possible photos. Both taken on my i-Phone (one during filming and one from a vacation the main character and I took), the photos would be my best choices as one is a natural shot whilst filming and the other one has a bright colourful background which represents the characters personality quite well. They both catch the main character in a natural state, no over-zealous posing or artificial lighting used (or required) and this shows good continuation onto my film as the majority was shot using natural lighting.
Here are some examples of what I've been working on:

Monday 12 January 2015

Production diary: Week 12

This week I have been working on ideas for my film poster. I had a mini photo shoot with India and took some interesting shots. I wasn't really focusing on her features - but on her as a whole. So I decided to take an unconventional route and only photograph segments of her on a balcony which left the illusion that she is only a small part of all the things around her which essentially 'make' her as a whole. Focusing on only a part of her also implies that she's mysterious and ambiguous (quite like her music) that there's so much more to see of her but she won't expose herself fully as she is a new and upcoming artist. With the music industry also being quite explicit I wanted to create an image for India which wouldn't conform to what is expected of her from the cut throat music industry.